If I have an array of objects is there any way possible for the item to splice itself out of the array that contains it?
For example: If a bad guy dies he will splice hi
You can also use an object and instead of splice, delete the enemy:
var activeEnemies = {};
function Enemy() {
this.id = Enemy.getId(); // function to return unique id
activeEnemies[this.id] = this;
// ....
Enemy.getId = (function() {
var count = 0;
return function() {
return 'enemyNumber' + count++;
Enemy.prototype.exterminate = function() {
// do tidy up
delete activeEnemies[this.id];
Enemy.prototype.showId = function() {
Enemy.prototype.showEnemies = function() {
var enemyList = [];
for (var enemy in activeEnemies) {
if (activeEnemies.hasOwnProperty(enemy)) {
return enemyList.join('\n');
var e0 = new Enemy();
var e1 = new Enemy();
console.log( Enemy.prototype.showEnemies() ); // enemyNumber0
// enemyNumber1
console.log( Enemy.prototype.showEnemies() ); // enemyNumber1