Is there a way in Django to write a query using the ORM, not raw SQL that allows you to JOIN on another table without there being a foreign key? Looking through the documentatio
Just reposting some related answer, so everyone could see it. Taken from here: Most efficient way to use the django ORM when comparing elements from two lists
First problem: joining unrelated models
I'm assuming that your
are not related, otherwise you'd be able to use Django's related objects interface. Here are two approaches you could take:
Use extra and a SQL subquery:
Model1.objects.extra(where = ['field in (SELECT field from myapp_model2 WHERE ...)'])
Subqueries are not handled very efficiently in some databases (notably MySQL) so this is probably not as good as #2 below.
Use a raw SQL query:
Model1.objects.raw('''SELECT * from myapp_model1 INNER JOIN myapp_model2 ON myapp_model1.field = myapp_model2.field AND ...''')
Second problem: enumerating the result
Two approaches:
You can enumerate a query set in Python using the built-in enumerate function:
You can use the technique described in this answer to do the enumeration in MySQL. Something like this:
Model1.objects.raw('''SELECT *, @row := @row + 1 AS row FROM myapp_model1 JOIN (SELECT @row := 0) rowtable INNER JOIN myapp_model2 ON myapp_model1.field = myapp_model2.field AND ...''')