I need to download mp3 files to an sd card in Android Studio and then read them, firstly, how can i create an SD card for my emulator? Secondly, how can I add files to it? I\'m
I did the following steps to create an external sdcard Image
Step 1: Navigate to your android sdk directory and to the following directory inside it.
Step 2: Ensure that there is a executable file named mksdcard.
Step 3: Create another directory to store the image file(.img file) that is going to be created in the next step. Lets call this directory as image_dir
Step4: Execute the following command
./mksdcard -l mylabel 1024M image_dir/sdcard.img
Now the .img file would have been created.
Step 5: Now edit your emulator in the AVD manager and select Advanced Settings , under the Memory and Storage section select external file radio button for Sd Card and choose the .img file that was created in step 4.
Happy emulated Storage