Most people use pointers like this...
if ( p != NULL ) {
However, if the pointer is null for whatever reason, the functi
This non-NULLness check can be avoided by using references instead of pointers. This way, the compiler ensures the parameter passed is not NULL. For example:
void f(Param& param)
// "param" is a pointer that is guaranteed not to be NULL
In this case, it is up to the client to do the checking. However, mostly the client situation will be like this:
Param instance;
No non-NULLness checking is needed.
When using with objects allocated on the heap, you can do the following:
Param& instance = *new Param();
Update: As user Crashworks remarks, it is still possible to make you program crash. However, when using references, it is the responsibility of the client to pass a valid reference, and as I show in the example, this is very easy to do.