In django I have a view that fills in a template html file but inside the html template I want to include another view that uses a different html template like so:
Yes, you need to use a template tag to do that. If all you need to do is render another template, you can use an inclusion tag, or possibly just the built in {% include 'path/to/template.html' %}
Template tags can do anything you can do in Python.
[Followup] You can use the render_to_string method:
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
content = render_to_string(template_name, dictionary, context_instance)
You'll either need to resolve the request object from the context, or hand it in as an argument to your template tag if you need to leverage the context_instance.
Followup Answer: Inclusion tag example
Django expects template tags to live in a folder called 'templatetags' that is in an app module that is in your installed apps...
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def say_hello(takes_context=True):
return {'name' : 'John'}
{% if request.user.is_anonymous %}
{# Our inclusion tag accepts a context, which gives us access to the request #}
Hello, Guest.
{% else %}
Hello, {{ name }}.
{% endif %}
{% load my_tags %}
Blah, blah, blah {% say_hello %}
The inclusion tag renders another template, like you need, but without having to call a view function. Hope that gets you going. The docs on inclusion tags are at: