I would like to add a simple check box to my form:
$element = new Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox(\'dont\');
$element->setDescription(\'Check this box if you don\\\
topic is really old, but I found similar problem a few days ago - I create form dynamically, by javascript - clicking (+) adds a row (one hidden input, two checkboxes and two selects) to the displayed form.
I found, when i send _POST to the server, that las row isn't sent corectly - default zeros from hidden are sent, instead of selected checkboxes. The solution, is to set checkboxes as arrays:
$c = new Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox( 'check1' );
$c->setIsArray( true );
In this case, additional hidden input isn't rendered.
PS. Sorry for my english ;)