I want to build a Brainfuck (Damn that name) interpreter in my freshly created programming language to prove it\'s turing-completeness.
Now, everything is clear so far (
Here is my "optimizing" version of interpreter, that pre-compiles the loop jumps.
def interpret2(code):
data = [0] * 5000 # data memory
cp = 0 # code pointer
dp = 0 # data pointer
# pre-compile a jump table
stack = []
jump = [None] * len(code)
for i,o in enumerate(code):
if o=='[':
elif o==']':
jump[i] = stack.pop()
jump[jump[i]] = i
# execute
while cp < len(code):
cmd = code[cp]
if cmd == '>': dp += 1
elif cmd == '<': dp -= 1
elif cmd == '+': data[dp] += 1
elif cmd == '-': data[dp] -= 1
elif cmd == '.': stdout.write(chr(data[dp]))
elif cmd == ',': data[dp] = ord(stdin.read(1))
elif cmd == '[' and not data[dp]: # skip loop if ==0
cp = jump[cp]
elif cmd == ']' and data[dp]: # loop back if !=0
cp = jump[cp]
cp += 1
It does a dry run of the code, keeping track of the brackets (in a stack) and marks the goto addresses in parallel jump
array which is later consulted during execution.
I compared the execution speed on long-running BF program (calculate N digits of Pi) and this increased the speed 2x compared to an innocent implementation in which source is scanned forward to exit [
and scanned backwards to loop on ]