Am trying to integrate in my Xamarin project and came across this requirement to convert c#\'s Dictionary to NSDictionary.
This is working for me .. could be optimized ofcourse or be much smarter :
private static NSMutableDictionary ConvertToNativeDictionary(Dictionary dict)
NSMutableDictionary newDictionary = new NSMutableDictionary();
foreach (string k in dict.Keys)
var value = dict[k];
if (value is string)
newDictionary.Add((NSString)k, new NSString((string)value));
else if (value is int)
newDictionary.Add((NSString)k, new NSNumber((int)value));
else if (value is float)
newDictionary.Add((NSString)k, new NSNumber((float)value));
else if (value is nfloat)
newDictionary.Add((NSString)k, new NSNumber((nfloat)value));
else if (value is double)
newDictionary.Add((NSString)k, new NSNumber((double)value));
else if (value is bool)
newDictionary.Add((NSString)k, new NSNumber((bool)value));
else if (value is DateTime)
newDictionary.Add((NSString)k, ((DateTime)value).DateTimeToNSDate());
newDictionary.Add((NSString)k, new NSString(value.ToString()));
catch (Exception Ex)
if (value != null)
Ex.Data.Add("value", value);
catch (Exception Ex)
return newDictionary;
And this is NSDate Conversion :
public static class NSDateExtensions
public static DateTime NSDateToDateTime(this NSDate date)
DateTime reference = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(
new DateTime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0));
return reference.AddSeconds(date.SecondsSinceReferenceDate);
public static NSDate DateTimeToNSDate(this DateTime date)
DateTime reference = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(
new DateTime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0));
return NSDate.FromTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate(
(date - reference).TotalSeconds);