In C# and Java a byte array can be created like this
byte[] b = new byte[x];
where x
denotes the size of the array. What I want to
I think you would want to create an uninitialized array and fill it later:
let arr = Array.zeroCreate 10
for i in 0..9 do
arr.[i] <- byte(i*i)
It's the way you normally do in C#/Java, which is unidiomatic in F#. Think about it; if you forget to initialize some elements, you have to deal with null
In almost all cases, you can always replace the above procedure by high-order functions from Array module or array comprehension:
let arr = Array.init 10 (fun i -> byte(i*i))
let arr = [| for i in 0..9 do -> byte(i*i)|]
Take a look at this MSDN page; it contains useful information about using Array in F#.