Okay, I barely understand RegEx basics, but why couldn\'t they design it to use keywords (like SQL) instead of some cryptic wildcard characters and symbols?
Is it for pe
Perl 6 is taking a pretty revolutionary step forward in regex readability. Consider an address of the form: 100 E Main St Springfield MA 01234
Here's a moderately-readable Perl 5 compatible regex to parse that (many corner cases not handled):
This Perl 6 regex has the same behavior:
grammar USMailAddress {
rule TOP { }
rule addr { <[1..9]>\d* ?
token direction { N | S | E | W }
token streetname { \w+ [ \s+ \w+ ]* }
token streettype {:i ave | ln | rd | st }
token city { [ \s+ ]* }
token state { <[A..Z]>**{2} }
token zip { \d**{5} [ - \d**{4} ]? }
A Perl 6 grammar is a class, and the tokens are all invokable methods. Use it like this:
if $addr ~~ m/^$/ {
say "$, $";
This example comes from a talk I presented at the Frozen Perl 2009 workshop. The Rakudo implementation of Perl 6 is complete enough that this example works today.