I\'m using Flink 1.4.1 and Beam 2.3.0, and would like to know is it possible to have metrics available in Flink WebUI (or anywhere at all), as in Dataflow WebUI ?
If your pipeline is running in detached mode, metrics are not supported to be queried. Refer this.
public class FlinkDetachedRunnerResult implements PipelineResult {
FlinkDetachedRunnerResult() {}
public State getState() {
return State.UNKNOWN;
public MetricResults metrics() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The FlinkRunner does not currently support metrics.");
public State cancel() throws IOException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cancelling is not yet supported.");
public State waitUntilFinish() {
return State.UNKNOWN;
public State waitUntilFinish(Duration duration) {
return State.UNKNOWN;
public String toString() {
return "FlinkDetachedRunnerResult{}";
However, I was able to view the metrics using slf4j reporter