I was just wondering if there is a simple way of doing this. i.e. Replacing the occurrence of consecutive characters with the same character.
For eg: - if my string is \
Console.WriteLine("Enter any string");
string str1, result="", str = Console.ReadLine();
char [] array= str.ToCharArray();
int i=0;
for (i = 0; i < str.Length;i++ )
if ((i != (str.Length - 1)))
{ if (array[i] == array[i + 1])
str1 = str.Trim(array[i]);
result += array[i];
result += array[i];
In this code the program ;
2.Convert the string in char Array using string.ToChar()
The loop will run for each character in string
each character stored in that particular position in array will be compared to the character stored in position one greater than that . And if the characters are found same the character stored in that particular array would be trimmed using .ToTrim()
For last character the loop will show error of index out of bound as it would be the last position value of the array. That's why I used * if ((i != (str.Length - 1)))*
6.The characters left after trimming are stored in result in concatenated form .