Okay I have two cells with a string of bits 0111010 and 0101011. I want to XOR the two together so that the resulting cell would be 0010001.
I know you can use this for
You can do this with VBA:
Public Function XOR_binary(b1, b2) As String
Dim len_b1
Dim len_b2
Dim len_diff
Dim i
Dim bit1
Dim bit2
' see if the two string are the same length. If not, add 0's to
' the beginning of the shorter string
len_b1 = Len(b1)
len_b2 = Len(b2)
len_diff = len_b1 - len_b2
Select Case len_diff
Case Is < 0
' b2 is longer
b1 = String(Abs(len_diff), "0") & b1
Case Is = 0
' they're the same length
Case Is > 0
' b1 is longer
b2 = String(len_diff, "0") & b2
End Select
XOR_binary = ""
For i = Len(b2) To 1 Step -1
bit1 = CInt(Mid(b1, i, 1))
bit2 = CInt(Mid(b2, i, 1))
XOR_binary = CInt(bit1 Xor bit2) & XOR_binary
Next i
End Function
Probably not the best implementation, but it works.
Using your example, A3
The resulting string will have the same number of bits as the longest string you pass in.