Let\'s immediately start with a scrap of the pre-receive
hook that I\'ve already written:
I had a little bit of trouble understanding the first example, in part due to the length and extra tidbits that make it useful for the OP's specific use case. I combed through and condensed it down to this:
# only check branches, not tags or bare commits
if [ -z $(echo $ref_name | grep "refs/heads/") ]; then
exit 0
# don't check empty branches
if [ "$(expr "${new_rev}" : '0*$')" -ne 0 ]; then
exit 0
# Checkout a copy of the branch (but also changes HEAD)
my_work_tree=$(mktemp -d -t git-work-tree.XXXXXXXX) 2>/dev/null
git --work-tree="${my_work_tree}" --git-dir="." checkout $new_rev -f >/dev/null
# Do the formatter check
echo "Checking code formatting..."
pushd ${my_work_tree} >/dev/null
prettier './**/*.{js,css,html,json,md}' --list-different
popd >/dev/null
# reset HEAD to master, and cleanup
git --work-tree="${my_work_tree}" --git-dir="." checkout master -f >/dev/null
rm -rf "${my_work_tree}"
# handle error, if any
if [ "0" != "$my_status" ]; then
echo "Please format the files listed above and re-commit."
echo "(and don't forget your .prettierrc, if you have one)"
exit 1
This example is using Prettier, but it'll map pretty well to clang-format, eslint, etc. There are a few limitations to the (perhaps oversimplified, but working) example above. I'd recommend diving deeper...
Once you've grok'd that I'd also recommend taking a scroll down towards the bottom of this one: