When I build the release project of the vb.net 2010 I just started using, I get two warnings:
the version of the .net framedwork launch condition does not ma
Yet another poorly documented feature from our friends at Microsoft. With the Setup project selected there are an array of icons in the solution explorer toolbox; one of which is "Launch Condition Editor".
Select the setup project, select the "Launch Condition Editor", new window opens. Select "Launch Conditions", ".Net Framework" Look at properties, version. Select the present version, opens drop down menu, select desired framework.
(Thanks to http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/5167197a-12a5-473e-940a-569e92f08f37/error-the-version-of-the-net-framework-launch-condition-net-framework-4-does-not-match-the)