I am using Ruby on Rails 3.1 and I would like to know how to correctly handle internationalization related to partial template files. That is, ...
... in my app/vi
One way would be to using scope, instead of "lazy loading" using the full stop. Something like this should work:
I18n.t :test_key2, :scope => 'users.flag'
or use:
I18n.t "users.flag.test_key2"
Lastly, you could even pass it to the partial as in
<%= render :partial => "/users/flag_form", :locals => { :test_key => t('.test_key1') } %>
You should also checkout the appendix section on this website as it might be listing something that I am missing: http://www.unixgods.org/~tilo/Rails/where_is_Rails_trying_to_lookup_L10N_strings.html