I want to get the filename (without extension) and the extension separately.
The best solution I found so far is:
NAME=`echo \"$FILE\" | cut -d\'.\'
You can use the magic of POSIX parameter expansion:
bash-3.2$ FILENAME=somefile.tar.gz
bash-3.2$ echo "${FILENAME%%.*}"
bash-3.2$ echo "${FILENAME%.*}"
There's a caveat in that if your filename was of the form ./somefile.tar.gz
then echo ${FILENAME%%.*}
would greedily remove the longest match to the .
and you'd have the empty string.
(You can work around that with a temporary variable:
echo ${FILENAME%%.*}
This site explains more.
Trim the shortest match from the end
Trim the longest match from the beginning
Trim the longest match from the end
Trim the shortest match from the beginning