I am implementing progressive UI disclosure pattern in my application. Using which I am disabling the next elements. So based on input of one element the next element is enabled
You could add an event listener to the keydown event and listen for the tab key like in the code snippet,
document.addEventListener("keydown", keyDown);
function keyDown(e) {
switch (e.which) {
case 9:
var focused = $(document.activeElement);
var all_inputs = $("input");
var disabled_inputs = $("input[disabled='disabled']");
var diff = all_inputs.length - disabled_inputs.length;
var index = all_inputs.index(focused);
if (index == diff - 1 && index != -1 && disabled_inputs.length > 0) {
This will enable the element as you tab onto it. It doesn't effect normal behavior otherwise. I am assuming you don't want to re-disable the element after the focus leaves.