I\'m using XAMPP for Windows
and decided to try out Symfony 2
As soon as I get to Symfony Configuration
page it recommends me to
1.Normally, the PHP is automatically installed on OSX. So, if you would like to use the XAMPP, or whatever apache server, you must change the path point to XAMPP. You can check the path by using:
$ which php
(do not copy $ sign, it means than you should type this in Terminal, not php)
You should get: /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/php
if not, you will get /usr/bin/php
This is OSX' php. So, you have to change it to XAMPP' php by using:
$ PATH="/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin:${PATH}"
2.Run this command to download, unpack, compile and install ICU (you can choose different version is your Symfony required):
$ curl -sS -o /tmp/icu.tar.gz -L http://download.icu-project.org/files/icu4c/57.1/icu4c-57_1-src.tgz && tar -zxf /tmp/icu.tar.gz -C /tmp && cd /tmp/icu/source && ./configure --prefix=/usr/local && make && sudo make install
than run:
$ sudo pecl install intl
and specify where ICU libraries and headers can be found [DEFAULT] :
Pay attention to information in install report:
You should add "extension=intl.so" to php.ini
Don't forget to reboot Apache and check version:
echo "ICU: " . INTL_ICU_VERSION . "
} else {
die('OOPS! The intl extension is not enabled!');
Partially taken from here but modified to get success Install PHP Internationalization extension (Intl) on XAMPP on Mac