Is it possible to start an array at an index not zero...I.E. you have an array a[35], of 35 elements, now I want to index at say starting 100, so the numbers would be a[100], a[
C++ provides quite a bit more than C in this respect. You can overload operator[]
to do the subtraction, and if you want report an error (e.g., throw an exception) if the subscript is out of range.
As a minimal demo, consider the following:
class array {
T data[upper-lower];
T &operator[](int index) {
if (index < lower || index >= upper)
throw std::range_error("Index out of range");
return data[index-lower];
T *begin() { return data; }
T *end() { return data + (upper-lower); }
int main() {
array data;
for (int i=-3; i<5; i++)
data[i] = i;
for (auto const &i : data)
std::cout << i << "\t";
std::cout << "\n";