Does anyone know how to modify the Jenkins/Hudson node labels in a non-manually way? I mean, thorough an API like the CLI API that this tool offers (without restarting Jenkins/H
Note: the other answers are a bit old, so it could be that the API has appeared since then.
Node labels are accessed in the API as a single string, just like in the Configure screen.
To read and write labels: Node.getLabelString() and Node.setLabelString(String).
Note that you can get the effective labels as well via: Node.getAssignedLabels(), which returns a Collection of LabelAtom that includes dynamically computed labels such as the 'self-label' (representing the node name itself).
Last, these methods on the Node class are directly accessible from the slave objects also, e.g. as a System Groovy Script:
hudson = hudson.model.Hudson.instance
hudson.slaves.findAll { it.nodeName.equals("slave4") }.each { slave ->
print "Slave $slave.nodeName : Labels: $slave.labelString"
slave.labelString = slave.labelString + " " + "offline"
println " --> New labels: $slave.labelString"