I have been asked a couple times to change the file name dynamically in SSRS 2008. Example: ReportName_201101.RDL. The 201101 represents the execution date. Can this be accom
Another work around, is to rename the report before it runs automatically. This is a diamond in the rough. This may only work for reports that are subscriptions and not ones that users link back to. Create a table on the ReportServer database that contains a listing of all reports that you want to rename before they execute. Table Report_Rename_Listing RenameID int ItemID uniqueidentifier OriginalReportName nvarchar(350) DateType nvarchar(75) Format int DatePlusMinus real Create a stored procedure on the same server that goes out and changes all the reports in the above table.
Create Procedure [dbo].[RenameReports]
Update dbo.Catalog
Set Name = ISNULL(( Select OriginalReportName + '_' +
dbo.func_SetupRenameOfReports(DateType, Format, DatePlusMinus)
From dbo.DDC_Report_Rename r
Where r.ItemID = c.ItemID), Name)
From dbo.Catalog c
return (0)
Create a scalar function on same server that figures out just how you want to rename the report.
Create Function [dbo].[func_SetupRenameOfReports]
( @DateType nvarchar(75), @Format int, @PlusMinus real )
RETURNS nvarchar(75)
Declare @FirstMonth datetime, @LastMonth datetime
Declare @OutputFormat nvarchar(75)
Set @FirstMonth = CONVERT(datetime, Convert(varchar(2), DateAdd(mm, @PlusMinus, GetDate()), 103) + '/1/' + CONVERT(varchar(4), DateAdd(mm, @PlusMinus, GetDate()), 102))
Set @LastMonth = DATEADD(dd, -1, DateAdd(mm, 1, @FirstMonth))
Set @OutputFormat =
Case When @DateType = 'CurrentDate' Then Convert(varchar(75), DateAdd(dd, @PlusMinus, GetDate()), @Format)
When @DateType = 'CurrentDayName' Then CONVERT(varchar(75), DateName(dw, DateAdd(dd, @PlusMinus, GetDate())))
When @DateType = 'CurrentMonthName' Then CONVERT(varchar(75), DateName(mm, DateAdd(mm, @PlusMinus, GetDate())))
When @DateType = 'CurrentYear' Then CONVERT(varchar(75), DateAdd(yy, @PlusMinus, GetDate()))
When @DateType = 'CurrentBeginEndMonth' Then CONVERT(varchar(10), @FirstMonth, @Format) + '-' + CONVERT(varchar(10), @LastMonth, @Format)
If @OutputFormat IS null
Set @OutputFormat = ''
Return @OutputFormat
Then setup this up to have the stored procedure automatically run daily on your server. I have it run just after midnight every day.