\'Error: Server timeout elapsed without receiving a message from the server.\'.
I\'m trying to debug some server-side code and while I do
What @MahmoudFarhat mentioned in another answer is correct. But also take a look at this link and then read my comments below.
If signalR got disconnected, you should try re-establishing the connection again. The connection could drop for several other reasons, including the user switching networks. For example if the user is using a cell-phone and connected to the home/office Wifi but steps out which then connects to cellular data connection.
To reconnect you could use the following (works like a charm for me):
// re-establish the connection if connection dropped
connection.onclose(() => setTimeout(startSignalRConnection(connection), 5000));
where startSignalRConnection
is :
const startSignalRConnection = connection => connection.start()
.then(() => console.info('Websocket Connection Established'))
.catch(err => console.error('SignalR Connection Error: ', err));
and connection is
const connection = new HubConnectionBuilder()
.withUrl(connectionHub, options)