What is the best way to detect if a WPF RichTextBox/FlowDocument is empty?
The following works if only text is present in the document. Not if it contains UIElement\'s>
First - thank you to McGarnagle - their answer got me going in the right direction. However for whatever reason their image check didn't work for me. This is what I ended up doing:
Private Function RichTextBoxIsEmpty(BYVAL rtb As RichTextBox) As Boolean
Dim ReturnCode As Boolean = True
Dim text As String = New TextRange(rtb.Document.ContentStart, rtb.Document.ContentEnd).Text
If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text) Then
For Each block As Block In rtb.Document.Blocks
'check for an image
If TypeOf block Is Paragraph Then
Dim paragraph As Paragraph = DirectCast(block, Paragraph)
For Each inline As Inline In paragraph.Inlines
If TypeOf inline Is InlineUIContainer Then
Dim uiContainer As InlineUIContainer = DirectCast(inline, InlineUIContainer)
If TypeOf uiContainer.Child Is Image Then
ReturnCode = False
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
' Check for a table
If TypeOf block Is Table Then
ReturnCode = False
Exit For
End If
ReturnCode = False
End If
Return ReturnCode
End Function
there may be other checks to do, but this at least covers text, images and tables.