I\'m getting the following error when trying to preview XAML documents via the Xamarin.Forms Previewer while in Visual Studio.
An Android Application proj
i think my solution is help this problem.
it has two problem, one is the solution path, the other one is dll reference.
I'll explain it with the example program Todo(example forum).
first, you have to clean your solution path like below png
secondly, you have to clean your all project (Todo, Todo.android, Todo.ios...)
then, you'll be able to see warning at Todo.dll(in Todo.android referense)
then, you have to delete Todo.dll
and build your Todo project then will create new dll
finally, Add it('new dll') to Todo.anroid project reference and include a Todo project in your Todo.android project(Todo.android reference add-> project -> check Todo).
and restart visual studio