I\'m using a Java-API which heavily uses the Autoclosable-Interface and thus in Java try-with-resources. However in Java you can specify
For simplicity I will use A,B and C for the chained autocloseables.
import java.io.Closeable
open class MockCloseable: Closeable {
override fun close() = TODO("Just for compilation")
class A: MockCloseable(){
fun makeB(): B = TODO()
class B: MockCloseable(){
fun makeC(): C = TODO()
class C: MockCloseable()
This would look like this:
A().use {a ->
a.makeB().use {b ->
b.makeC().use {c ->
class ChainedCloseable(val payload: T, val parents: List) {
fun use(block: (T)->U): U {
try {
return block(payload)
} finally {
parents.asReversed().forEach { it.close() }
fun convert(block: (T)->U): ChainedCloseable {
val newPayload = block(payload)
return ChainedCloseable(newPayload, parents + payload)
fun T.convert(block:(T)->U): ChainedCloseable {
val new = block(this)
.use { c ->
This allows you to avoid having to nest deeply, at the cost of creating wrapper objects.