It is possible to export a pandas dataframe data to elasticsearch using elasticsearch-py
. For example, here is some code:
may you can use
pip install es_pandas
pip install progressbar2
This package should work on Python3(>=3.4) and ElasticSearch should be version 5.x, 6.x or 7.x.
import time
import pandas as pd
from es_pandas import es_pandas
# Information of es cluseter
es_host = 'localhost:9200'
index = 'demo'
# crete es_pandas instance
ep = es_pandas(es_host)
# Example data frame
df = pd.DataFrame({'Alpha': [chr(i) for i in range(97, 128)],
'Num': [x for x in range(31)],
'Date': pd.date_range(start='2019/01/01', end='2019/01/31')})
# init template if you want
doc_type = 'demo'
ep.init_es_tmpl(df, doc_type)
# Example of write data to es, use the template you create
ep.to_es(df, index, doc_type=doc_type)
# set use_index=True if you want to use DataFrame index as records' _id
ep.to_es(df, index, doc_type=doc_type, use_index=True)
here is the document
if 'es_pandas' cann't solve you problem,you could see other solution :