I\'m having difficulties updating RubyGems from version 1.1.1 to newest. I\'ve tried the following:
gem update
The problem seems to be detected and reported as a dependecy-cycle: some new-version-dependencies are needed in order to install the new-gems-version... yes, it is a mess.The recomended solution I've seen is to make the upgrade in a step-by-step intermediate version fashion, in order to make the upgrade transition smooth, with small version-gaps. Read it in this article, which explains it very well: link text
After reading it and trying a couple of times, I've seen that it was still very fuzzy/complicated.
So I went for another solution, which installs more then necesary but is more straighforward:
Install a more recent version of ruby + irb + rdoc + gem (side by side with old version already existing)
Now install the gem "Ruby Version Manager" (a no pain in debian/ubuntu, it can compile latest ruby version) link text
Use RVM to install the final and latest ruby version (side-by-side again) and maintain it updated.
(you could now use RVM to uninstall the older versions of ruby/gems in your system, and only keept the latest ruby version)
If you need it for a production system, RVM is already seen as mature enough to maintain ruby/gems updated with newer versions.
Hope it helps some starter like me to "get toubles out of the way"