HighCharts - two Y-axis, one with max value

前端 未结 3 1665
清歌不尽 2021-02-19 22:45

I have problem with Highcharts, I\'ve set right Y-axis to min:0 and max:100 (it\'s %) but it won\'t work and make 125 percentage. What\'s wrong?


  •  南方客
    南方客 (楼主)
    2021-02-19 23:30

    I figure it out. Better way to fix this issue is use tickinterval.

    Here is sample http://jsfiddle.net/SdTcU/1/

    $(function () {
                chart: {
                    type: 'area'
                title: {
                    text: ''
                colors: ['#c42525','#8bbc21'],
                xAxis: {
                    categories: [
                    labels: {
                        step: 4,
                        rotation: -45,
                        align: 'right',
                        style: {
                            fontSize: '10px',
                            fontFamily: 'Verdana, sans-serif'
                yAxis: [{ // Primary yAxis
                    gridLineWidth: 1,
                    tickInterval:10750, //get max value from highest area and divide it by 4
                    labels: {
                        format: '{value}',
                        style: {
                            color: '#89A54E'
                    title: {
                        text: '1',
                        style: {
                            color: '#89A54E'
                }, { // Secondary yAxis
                    tickInterval:20, //set ticks to 20
                    min: 0,
                    max: 100,
                    title: {
                        text: '%',
                        style: {
                            color: '#4572A7'
                    labels: {
                        format: '{value}%',
                        style: {
                            color: '#4572A7'
                    opposite: true
                credits: {
                    enabled: false
                tooltip: {
                    pointFormat: '{series.name} produced {point.y:,.0f}
    warheads in {point.x}' }, plotOptions: { area: { marker: { enabled: false, symbol: 'circle', radius: 2, states: { hover: { enabled: true } } } } }, series: [{ name: '1', data: [ null, null, 43000, 41000, 39000, 37000, 35000, 33000, 31000, 29000, 27000, 25000, 35000, 33000, 31000, 29000, 27000, 25000, 24000, 23000, 22000, 21000, 20000, null, null, 43000, 41000, 39000, 37000, 24000, 23000, 22000, 21000, 20000, 24000, 23000, 22000, 21000, 20000 ] }, { name: '2', data: [ 1, null, null, null, null, 1005, 1436, 2063, 3057, 4618,27387, 29459, 31056, 31982, 32040, 26956, 27912, 28999, 28965, 27826, 100, 1005, 1436, 2063, 3057, 4618,27387, 29459, 31056, 31982, 32040, 26956, 27912, 28999, 28965, 27826, 1000, 1005, 1436, 2063, 3057, 4618,27387, 29459, 31056, 31982, 32040, 26956, 27912, 28999, 28965, 27826 ] }, { name: '%', color: '#4572A7', type: 'spline', yAxis: 1, data: [80,70,78,86,64,51,58,88,88,100,100,95,68,91,92,93,94,85,100] } ] }); });
