In this system, SFTP will be used to upload large video files to a specific directory on the server. I am writing a PHP script that will be used to copy completely uploaded file
During a transfer, the only thing that knows the real size of the file is your SFTP client and maybe the SFTP server (don't know protocol specifics so the server may know too.) Unless you can talk to the SFTP server directly, then you'll have to wait for the file to finish. Checking at some interval seems kludgy but under the circumstances is pretty good. It's what we do on my project.
If you have a very short poll interval, it's not terribly resilient when dealing with uploads that may stall for a few seconds. So just set the interval to one a minute or something like that. Assuming you're on a *nix based platform, you could set up a cron job to run every minute (or whatever your polling interval is) to run your script for you.