I am new to angular 2 and trying to use the ng2-datetime-picker in my project. Now after installing the ng2-datetime-picker package when I run the project got an 404 err
You need to create a "systemjs.config.js" file and load it from index.html, like a regular script:
Make sure you also include System.JS before the config script:
The following script loads the first module:
System.import('app').catch(function (err) { console.error(err); });
By default (according to your systemjs.config.js), SystemJS will look for app.js or app/main.js.
In your systemjs.config.js file, you want to map the node package to a path where there is an index.js or package.json, which indicates where the module is located. The module should be compatible with your module loader that you intend to use: AMD, UMD, CommonJS, SystemJS, es6 etc
The following should work in your systemjs.config.js file:
'paths': {
'map': {
'ng2-datetime-picker': 'npm:ng2-datetime-picker'
'packages': {
'ng2-datetime-picker': 'dist/ng2-datetime-picker.umd.js'
Or, you could map the UMD file directly:
'paths': {
'map': {
'ng2-datetime-picker': 'npm:ng2-datetime-picker/dist/ng2-datetime-picker.umd.js'
The following will only work with CommonJS/AMD/SystemJS as index.js uses the 'require' syntax:
'paths': {
'map': {
'ng2-datetime-picker': 'npm:ng2-datetime-picker'
'packages': {
'ng2-datetime-picker': 'dist/index.js'
This should work:
// packages tells the System loader how to load when no filename and/or no extension
packages: {
app: { main: 'boot.js', defaultExtension: 'js' },
rxjs: { defaultExtension: 'js' },
'ng2-datetime-picker': { main: 'dist/ng2-datetime-picker.umd.js', defaultExtension: 'js' }