How does one write a (Intel) F90 function that converts a string into lowercase (or, alternatively, uppercase)? I want to pass a character array to the function and have it retu
Wow -- even though I'd searched for over an hour, immediately after posting this, I found an answer here (under "Miscellaneous Fortran Hints and Tips").
The code I used is as follows (for to_upper):
function to_upper(strIn) result(strOut)
! Adapted from (25 May 2012)
! Original author: Clive Page
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: strIn
character(len=len(strIn)) :: strOut
integer :: i,j
do i = 1, len(strIn)
j = iachar(strIn(i:i))
if (j>= iachar("a") .and. j<=iachar("z") ) then
strOut(i:i) = achar(iachar(strIn(i:i))-32)
strOut(i:i) = strIn(i:i)
end if
end do
end function to_upper
Hope this helps somebody!