I know the default backend for Keras has switched from Theano to TensorFlow, but with the dev version of Theano I can train on the GPU with OpenCL (I have an AMD card).
Same issue here, system setup:
The only way to change backend is to use KERAS_BACKEND environment variable. Json field is ignored.
The issue is Anaconda, open anaconda3/envs/ENV-NAME/etc/conda/activate.d/keras_activate.sh
if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]
# for Mac OSX
export KERAS_BACKEND=tensorflow
elif [ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]
# for Linux
export KERAS_BACKEND=theano
You'll see that tensorflow is forced for MAC, and Theano for Linux.
I have no idea who creates this file, keras or anaconda, and the reasoning behind this forcing. I'm just ignoring it and doing my own way:)