I have the following jQuery code
$(document).ready(function () {
$(\"html\").scrollTop( $(\"#topofthePage\").of
A common scrollTo issue is having overflow set on the "html, body" element in css. Rarely mentioned when having scrolling/animating issues on html/body elements and can end up in excessive over-engineering.
If overflow needs to be set, put it on the body element only. Not both html,body.
It is also a good habit to use a data-* attribute in place of classes or IDs in your html. This gets you in the habit of separating styles from code. Consider this to make your life easier in the future:
Create Reusable Scroll Function
scrollioreceiver = function(sender) {
click: sentFrom
function sentFrom(){
var dataMine = $(this).attr('data-sender'),
dataSend = $('[data-receiver="'+dataMine+'"]');
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $(dataSend).offset().top - 70
}, 800, function() {
// if you need a callback function
Create data attributes to html elements (data-name is arbitrary and should make sense):
Link To Click To Scroll To Match Attribute
Scrolls To This Element
VERIFY CSS » overflow added to "html,body" won't work
body { overflow-x: hidden; }
INIT FUNCTION ON READY » initialize on doc ready with attribute name selector to create flexibility on multiple calls
Hope this helps!