How do I view the SQL generated by entity framework ?
(In my particular case I\'m using the mysql provider - if it matters)
This loooong-awaited feature is available in EF Core 5.0! This is from the weekly status updates:
var query = context.Set
().Where(c => c.City == city); Console.WriteLine(query.ToQueryString()) results in this output when using the SQL Server database provider:
DECLARE p0 nvarchar(4000) = N'London'; SELECT [c].[CustomerID], [c].[Address], [c].[City], [c].[CompanyName], [c].[ContactName], [c].[ContactTitle], [c].[Country], [c].[Fax], [c].[Phone], [c].[PostalCode], [c].[Region] FROM [Customers] AS [c] WHERE [c].[City] = @__city_0
Notice that declarations for parameters of the correct type are also included in the output. This allows copy/pasting to SQL Server Management Studio, or similar tools, such that the query can be executed for debugging/analysis.