I\'m currently writing a layer to abstract 3 similar webservices into one useable class. Each webservice exposes a set of objects that share commonality. I hav
in C# 2.0 you can do this using reflection, without using generics and without knowing the desired type at compile time.
//get the data from the object factory
object[] newDataArray = AppObjectFactory.BuildInstances(Type.GetType("OutputData"));
if (newDataArray != null)
SomeComplexObject result = new SomeComplexObject();
//find the source
Type resultTypeRef = result.GetType();
//get a reference to the property
PropertyInfo pi = resultTypeRef.GetProperty("TargetPropertyName");
if (pi != null)
//create an array of the correct type with the correct number of items
pi.SetValue(result, Array.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("OutputData"), newDataArray.Length), null);
//copy the data and leverage Array.Copy's built in type casting
Array.Copy(newDataArray, pi.GetValue(result, null) as Array, newDataArray.Length);
You would want to replace all the Type.GetType("OutputData") calls and the GetProperty("PropertyName") with some code that reads from a config file.
I would also use a generic to dictate the creation of SomeComplexObject
T result = new T();
Type resultTypeRef = result.GetType();
But I said you didn't need to use generics.
No guarantees on performance/efficiency, but it does work.