I had a similar issue in this other question. I ended up finally figuring out a plugin on my own after going back and forth with some people trying to think of a find selector.
ExclusiveInputs = $('#first').findExclude('input','table');
// Find-like method which masks any descendant
// branches matching the Mask argument.
$.fn.findExclude = function( Selector, Mask, result){
// Default result to an empty jQuery object if not provided
var result = typeof result !== 'undefined' ?
result :
new jQuery();
// Iterate through all children, except those match Mask
var thisObject = jQuery( this );
if( thisObject.is( Selector ) )
result.push( this );
// Recursively seek children without Mask
if( !thisObject.is( Mask ) )
thisObject.findExclude( Selector, Mask, result );
return result;
(Condensed Version):
$.fn.findExclude = function( selector, mask, result )
var result = typeof result !== 'undefined' ? result : new jQuery();
this.children().each( function(){
var thisObject = jQuery( this );
if( thisObject.is( selector ) )
result.push( this );
if( !thisObject.is( mask ) )
thisObject.findExclude( selector, mask, result );
return result;