I want to integrate sort, order, max and offset in a findAll query. The following works fine:
def books = Book.findAll(\"from Book as b where b.approved=true ord
HQL doesn't support sort and order as parameters, so you need to include the "order by" as part of the HQL expression
def books = Book.findAll("from Book as b where b.approved=true"
+ " order by b.dateCreated desc", [max: max, offset: offset])
(or in this case just use Book.findAllByApproved(true, [...])
instead of HQL).
So if the sort and order are variables you need a trick like
def books = Book.findAll("from Book as b where b.approved=true"
+ (params.sort ? " order by b.${params.sort} ${params.order}" : ''),
[max: max, offset: offset])