Imagine that I have the following list
> test <- list(\"a\" = 1, \"b\" = 2)
Each element of the list has a name :
Assuming you meant for both elements of test
to contain a 3-columned matrix, you can use mapply()
and provide separately the list and the list's names:
test <- list("a" = matrix(1, ncol = 3), "b" = matrix(2, ncol = 3))
make_df <- function(x, y) {
output <- data.frame(x)
names(output) <- c("items", "type", y)
mapply(make_df, x = test, y = names(test), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
which produces:
## $a
## items type a
## 1 1 1 1
## $b
## items type b
## 1 2 2 2
To achieve the expected output you describe in your updated question:
test.names <- lapply(names(test), function(x) c("index", "type", x))
Map(setNames, test, test.names)
## $a
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 1 1 1
## attr(,"names")
## [1] "a" "index" "type"
## $b
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 2 2 2
## attr(,"names")
## [1] "b" "index" "type"