I am using Azure Key Vault to protect our keys and secrets, but I am unsure how I can use the KeyBundle I retrieve using the .net SDK. How can I create an X509Certificate2 objec
November 2020 Update:
In the current version of Azure Key Vault, Certificates are a first class concept rather than a type of Secret.
If your Key Vault instance already has a certificate with an exportable private key, you'd fetch it and hydrate an X509Certificate2
as follows:
Create the required clients using a DefaultAzureCredential
var certClient = new CertificateClient(new Uri("https://yourKeyVault.vault.azure.net/"), new DefaultAzureCredential());
var secretClient = new SecretClient(new Uri("https://yourKeyVault.vault.azure.net/"), new DefaultAzureCredential());
Get the certificate, which includes a link to the private key secret.
Note: The latest (4.2.0 beta) version of the Key Vault Secrets library includes a helper class called KeyVaultSecretIdentifier that does this parsing for you.
Response certResponse = await certClient.GetCertificateAsync("testCert");
// Get the secretId and parse out the parts needed to fetch the secret.
Uri secretId = certResponse.Value.SecretId;
var segments = secretId.Segments;
string secretName = segments[2].Trim('/');
string version = segments[3].TrimEnd('/');
Get the secret for the certificate and use it to construct a new X509Certificate2
Response secretResponse = await secretClient.GetSecretAsync(secretName, version);
KeyVaultSecret secret = secretResponse.Value;
byte[] privateKeyBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(secret.Value);
var cert = new X509Certificate2(privateKeyBytes);
For more information about the latest Key Vault Certificate and Secret clients, see their respective README docs here:
Azure.Security.KeyVault.Certificates (migration guide from the old version)
Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets (migration guide from the old version)