I am using Maven, with the one-jar pluggin, but when I run the one jar executable, I\'m greeted with a wall of warnings, this is unacceptable for use
I\'ve looked at eve
I found that if you create a one-jar.properties
file and put it in the root of your runtime classpath (ie, where your project .class files end up), it will be read by the one-jar Boot class. An entry in this properties file such as:
will suppress the one-jar log messages altogether.
Other values that the Boot class looks for are one-jar.info
and one-jar.verbose
The default level is INFO. As Pascal Thivent indicated above, you can also set a System property via the command line with the -D
parameter of the java
command, but if you do not want to have to stipulate or remember this, the properties file approach works great.