In C, what is the difference between using ++i
and i++
, and which should be used in the incrementation block of a for
i++ is known as Post Increment whereas ++i is called Pre Increment.
is post increment because it increments i
's value by 1 after the operation is over.
Lets see the following example:
int i = 1, j;
j = i++;
Here value of j = 1
but i = 2
. Here value of i
will be assigned to j
first then i
will be incremented.
is pre increment because it increments i
's value by 1 before the operation.
It means j = i;
will execute after i++
Lets see the following example:
int i = 1, j;
j = ++i;
Here value of j = 2
but i = 2
. Here value of i
will be assigned to j
after the i
incremention of i
Similarly ++i
will be executed before j=i;
For your question which should be used in the incrementation block of a for loop? the answer is, you can use any one.. doesn't matter. It will execute your for loop same no. of times.
for(i=0; i<5; i++)
printf("%d ",i);
for(i=0; i<5; ++i)
printf("%d ",i);
Both the loops will produce same output. ie 0 1 2 3 4
It only matters where you are using it.
for(i = 0; i<5;)
printf("%d ",++i);
In this case output will be 1 2 3 4 5