You can run a simple array test as below where you add the words to a single list:
Sub Main1()
arrList = Array("cat", "dog", "dogfish", "mouse")
Debug.Print "dog", Test("dog") 'True
Debug.Print "horse", Test("horse") 'False
End Sub
Function Test(strIn As String) As Boolean
Test = Not (IsError(Application.Match(strIn, arrList, 0)))
End Function
Or if you wanted to do a more detailed search and return a list of sub-string matches for further work then use Filter
. This code would return the following via vFilter
if looking up dog
dog, dogfish
In this particular case the code then checks for an exact match for dog
Sub Main2()
arrList = Array("cat", "dog", "dogfish", "mouse")
Debug.Print "dog", Test1("dog")
Debug.Print "horse", Test1("horse")
End Sub
Function Test1(strIn As String) As Boolean
Dim vFilter
Dim lngCnt As Long
vFilter = Filter(arrList, strIn, True)
For lngCnt = 0 To UBound(vFilter)
If vFilter(lngCnt) = strIn Then
Test1 = True
Exit For
End If
End Function