I have already gone through some previous threads: How do I set subdirectory in nginx with Django how to deploy django under a suburl behind nginx Serving flask app on subdirect
The nginx uwsgi_modifier1
is deprecated in uWSGI.
Your goal is to be able to host a wsgi app from anywhere without the app needing to be adjusted to account for where it's being served from.
The current method for doing this in uWSGI is to map mountpoints for each URI app combination like so:
socket =
; mount apps
mount = /app1=app1.py
mount = /app2=app2.py
; rewrite SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO accordingly
manage-script-name = true
Hosting multiple apps in the same process (aka managing SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO)
can take the place of module
For Django specifically,
; Before
module = django_app.wsgi:application
; After
mount = /django_app=django_app.wsgi:application
manage-script-name = true