I am trying to dyanmically cast to a class in Swift. Is this possible? Here is the code I am trying to use:
let stringClass: AnyClass = NSString.self
let anyObje
While there are/will be ways to make this kind of thing work, the Swifty solution (IMO) is to have your desired classes adhere to a protocol that defines the shared behavior you're trying to use, or simply use a super class they have in common
This allows the dynamism requried (in most cases at least) while still allowing the compile-time checks that prevent run time errors.
For your example,
protocol Stringable {
func toString() -> String
extension String: Stringable {
func toString() -> String {
return self
let thing = "foo"
let anything: Any = thing
let test: String? = (anything as? Stringable)?.toString()
Note that this requires "Any" rather than "AnyObject" since you need to cast to a protocol
Since you mentioned ViewControllers, I thought this might help:
static func createViewController(storyboard: String, scene: String) -> T? {
return UIStoryboard(name: storyboard, bundle: nil).instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier(scene) as? T