I have php 7.0 running on my ubuntu server.
php -m command says:
[PHP Modules] calendar Core ctype curl date dom exif fileinfo filter ftp gd gettext hash ico
I'm using ubuntu 18.04. When I checked for SimpleXML in module list, it was stated same like yours.
Then I check my phpinfo() which says it was pulling from different php version and not the same with php cli.
To check php cli version, I run php -v
To check for phpinfo(), I put the function at the top of index.php of my script.
After confirming that my phpcli version is different than whats in phpinfo,
I simply run this 2 command
sudo a2dismod php7.0
sudo a2enmod php7.3
Then restart my apache
sudo systemctl restart apache2
After that, I test again my phpinfo()
Now it is working.