I am trying to change CSS properties like this one.
To the JavaScript CSS property like so.
is also possible use indexOf with recursion for that task.
input some-foo_sd_dsd-weqe
output someFooSdDsdWeqe
but is works slower
test1: 3.535ms
function camelCased (str) {
function check(symb){
let idxOf = str.indexOf(symb);
if (idxOf === -1) {
return str;
let letter = str[idxOf+1].toUpperCase();
str = str.replace(str.substring(idxOf+1,idxOf+2), '');
str = str.split(symb).join(idxOf !== -1 ? letter : '');
return camelCased(str);
return check('_') && check('-');
console.log(camelCased ('-moz-border-radius'));