I was looking at Apple\'s Lister (for Apple Watch, iOS, and OS X) sample. The sample performs a test for iOS and OS X:
You can find all kind of target conditionals in the TargetConditionals.h (cmd + shift + o and type TargetConditionals.h).
In this list you can find a list like this and many more useful defines. Currently it does contain TARGET_OS_WATCH since WatchOS 2. For WatchOS 1 it was not possible to run custom code on the watch so it was not needed back then since everything ran on the phone itself.
#define TARGET_OS_MAC 1
#define TARGET_OS_WIN32 0
#define TARGET_OS_UNIX 0
#define TARGET_OS_IOS 0
#define TARGET_OS_TV 0
Swift Addition
#if os(watchOS)
[Watch code]
[Code for iOS, appleTV, or any else clause]
Some other valid values: iOS, OSX, tvOS
A small explanation about this and more http://nshipster.com/swift-system-version-checking/
At the bottom of this document https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/BuildingCocoaApps/InteractingWithCAPIs.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014216-CH8-XID_15#Build Configurations Under the section 'Build Configurations' you can find a (hopefully) up to date list with all these values that are currently available