How can I sort an array of points/vectors by counter-clockwise increasing angle from a given axis vector?
For example:
Assuming they are all the same length and have the same origin, you can sort on
struct sorter {
operator()(point a, point b) const {
if (a.y > 0) { //a between 0 and 180
if (b.y < 0) //b between 180 and 360
return false;
return a.x < b.x;
} else { // a between 180 and 360
if (b.y > 0) //b between 0 and 180
return true;
return a.x > b.x;
//for comparison you don't need exact angles, simply relative.
This will quickly sort them from 0->360 degress. Then you find your vector 0 (at position N), and std::rotate
the results left N elements. (Thanks TomSirgedas!)