I use Vim as my editor. \"Practical common Lisp\" suggest installing Lispbox, I don\'t know how to use emacs, don\'t know how to run lisp code with that T.T after that i find li
Lisp can be compiled but that is not "necessarily" so. Clisp is just one Lisp running on Linux. SBCL is another one. And SLIME is the interface from Emacs to one can say all Lisps on Linux.
You can use Slime with SBCL, CLisp, Lispworks and Franz Common Lisp. You can even learn much of Lisp just by using Emacs. It has it's own Lisp-dialect Elisp, but you can use Common Lisp compatibility libraries also.
Emacs probably is a preferred IDE for Common Lisp because of it's use of an internal Lisp.
If you want one software to install you should check LispWorks or Allegro Common Lisp (formerly Franz Common Lisp).